function verify_ftc_member(){'','ftc_verify','scrollbars=0,width=505,height=805,location=0,status=0,fullscreen=0,menubar=0'); } content = '


Copyright 2019-20 All rights reserved worldwide.

Curvicality is a registered mark of Curvicality, Inc. - all other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer For Blog Posts & Comments by Others. 

We do not independently verify, nor do we seek independent verification of comments and statements that may be posted by others in blog posts on this site regarding our website, its products or services. For this reason, if others post "success story" or "best-case" scenario testimonials (as distinguished from subjective opinions), you should assume that their results are NOT typical.

Disclaimer Regarding Diets and Restaurant Recommendations.

We do not guarantee that any recommendation will meet your diet requirements, or that any reference to any food, beverage, or restaurant will match the description provided by us. We do not assume any liability for any adverse reactions to food or beverages, or restaurants recommended. Each user is solely responsible for determining his/her food and beverage choices.

Exercise Disclaimer

Not all exercise is suitable for everyone. To reduce the risk of injury, consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. The instruction presented herein is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. If you have had a joint replacement or if you have osteoporosis, or any other special medical condition, follow all precautions.

Diet Disclaimer

This website is not a substitute for medical advice. If you are beginning a health or weight control program, consult your physician before using products or services discussed on this website, or making any other dietary changes. All of the information provided in and through this website is intended solely for general information and should not be relied upon for any particular diagnosis, treatment, or care. Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or any other government regulatory body. 

Notice: This document is Copyright © Chip Cooper of the law firm of Jones & Haley, P.C., and licensed for use by the owner of this website under distribution rights granted to All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document may be copied, reprinted, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

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