FTC Guardian


Accessibility Statement
Effective Date: February 3, 2021

We believe in the goal of global inclusion by empowering people to be more productive through digital accessibility. We are committed to working to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities by incorporating the relevant accessibility standards for our website (we do not have a physical place of public accommodation).

To help us create a positive and productive experience for everyone who uses our website (including any related app we may have), we have incorporated UserWay as our accessibility solution at this time based on our understanding and consideration of all reasonable efforts available for removing accessibility impediments that are readily achievable.

Disclaimer: please understand that UserWay is not a complete solution; however, UserWay does provide the following improvements regarding usability: UserWay helps with navigability by (i) adjusting the size, spacing, and alignment of text, (ii) improving contrast ratio, fonts, and text color so that they are easier to read, and (iii) magnifying the cursor and highlighting links to make them more clickable.

If you enjoyed using our website, or if you experienced any accessibility issues, please let us know. We welcome your suggestions. You can us contact with the following contact information.

FTC Guardian, Inc.
Attn: Compliance Officer
Email: Support@FTCGuardian.com

Notice: This document is Copyright © Chip Cooper of the law firm of Jones & Haley, P.C., and licensed for use by the owner of this website under distribution rights granted to FTCGuardian.com. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document may be copied, reprinted, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

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